“Along the Way - ‘I will help you’ says the Lord.”
Words of Encouragement and Comfort

  • The fringes of His ways
  • I am feeling very bruised and buffeted just below the surface.
  • Make our hearts tender
  • I’m not the judge
  • Treasure the memories; hold each one dear.
  • Thank you for the comfort

‘Along the Way’ is a collection of thoughts, prayers and poems from Elaine Stanfield’s personal journal. Elaine writes with openness and sensitivity of her journey through disaster, disappointment and bereavement. She describes the way God’s love and the love of those around her sustained and encouraged her through the dark winter seasons of her life, always with a promise of springtime up ahead.

Elaine’s rich and varied life experiences, often joyous, sometimes bitterly painful, have given her insight on how to navigate the storms of life. Her reflections on the suicide of a loved one are deeply personal and deeply moving and offer hope and encouragement to those travelling the same path.

This beautiful little book is lifeward and hope filled, refreshing the reader with its tenderness, wisdom and joyful optimism.

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Book available for purchase individually, or in packs of 7, 14 or 21.

Author Elaine Stanfield

Author Elaine Stanfield

Author Elaine Stanfield

About the Author

Elaine was born in Manchester, England. She lived there until her early twenties, completing her schooling and nurses’ training. She married at twenty three and started her family soon after, one daughter and four sons.

Early in the marriage, she and her husband decided to move to Mauritius, a courageous move for a couple with a small child. Their next overseas destination was Mexico, followed by Guatemala, before moving to Australia in the late 70’s.

Continued in About the Author ›

‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’

  • Silent Grief
  • Certain Hope
  • Flowering comfort
  • Cast your cares on Him
  • Just Because
  • Tides of pain

About ‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’

Silent Grief - Certain Hope is a reflection of grief and loss expressed in a heartfelt, compassionate and inspiring way.

Elaine Stanfield’s ability to articulate both the pain and hope found in the deep valleys of life makes this book a wonderful companion for those who find themselves in the midst of dark times.

Her contemporary, yet timeless observations so resonate with the human experience that her words seem to be addressed personally to the reader.

This collection of writing gently and sensitively balances the emotional struggles of loss with the hope of healing and recovery.

The quality and beauty of the illustrations complement the impact of the words bringing visual grace and sometimes whimsy to the collection.

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Purchase ‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’

Australia & NZ: 

Rest of the World: 

Book available for purchase individually, or in packs of 7, 14 or 21.

About ‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’

Few of us escape the experience of loss in our lives.

Grief is experienced at different intensities in response to these losses and requires appropriate comfort throughout our journey.

Sadly, many people in our culture carry their grief alone and silently living life from a base of ‘broken-heartedness’. This can mean that life becomes too difficult, hopelessness prevails and colours everything they do.

I once wrote in my journal, “I get to a place where my broken-heartedness rises too close to the surface and the hopelessness and frustration of it brings me grief too hard to stay hidden.” Within my own deep grief lay a fear that perhaps I would never really recover from this, that perhaps I would not be strong enough to rise above this circumstance, that it would affect the rest of my life in a negative, damaging way.

Cover of ‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’

‘Silent Grief - Certain Hope’ cover

Contact Elaine Stanfield via elaine@elainestanfield.com
Order enquiries via sales@elainestanfield.com

Resource: elainestanfield.com/index.php Printed: 2024-10-18     ©2024 Elaine Stanfield. All rights Reserved.